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The S13 gets a new head gasket | S13 200SX DIY Build
Diagnosing a blown head gasket CA18DET | S13 200SX DIY Build
The head is done! Nearly... CA18DET Rebuild - Part 2 | S13 200SX DIY Build
Rebuilding the CA18DET - Part 1 | S13 200SX DIY Build
Diagnosing and FIXING the CA18DET S13 | S13 200SX DIY Build
The S13 BROKE again... | S13 200SX DIY Build
24 hour head gasket change on the s13
The rebuilt CA18DET engine is back in! | S13 200SX DIY Build
Walk-around, description and sound clips of this gangster RB25DET s13 silvia coupe BIG TURBO
Budget 240SX BUILD | Part 12 | Head Gasket Replacement
Building the DREAM S13 Nissan 200SX | ENGINE PREP | Ep. 3 | DWNWRK
The S13's first drive! It's not great... | S13 200SX DIY Build